
Social housing estates over the last thirty years have become vast, with some operators managing or owning portfolios of 50,000 plus houses. Consequently, social landlords are some of the largest energy consumers in the land. With schemes such as the government's Energy Efficiency Scheme - Carbon Reduction Commitment, coming into force in April 2014, now is the time more than ever that landlords must take stock and take measures to reduce their carbon foot print to avoid the scheme's fiscal penalties.


The ICY range of Intelligent Thermostats can reduce heating costs by an average of 26% per dwelling. With its built in motion and light sensor, the Intelligent Thermostat tracks the real time activity of the tenant, instead of relying on traditional predefined timer settings. Consequently, the property is only heated when the resident is at home and at all other times, the heating is reduced or switched off altogether. The thermostat can also detect when a property is vacant and will set back to an Anti-Frost Mode until the property is re-let.


We deal with landlords and contractors. Our sales staff are keen to assist with enquiries.


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